Thursday, April 9, 2015

Clementi D major Op.18, No. 2

    This has similar problems to the Sammartini from a couple posts ago. This symphony by Muzio Clementi (of the first sonatinas I think every pianist learns fame) seems more concerned with craft than anything and seems to just follow the outline of the symphony slavishly. This is of course without doing an analysis of the piece, which I need to get around to sometime. So this will be another situation of talking over any interesting points from my notes and not looking too deeply like the Sullivan symphony.

    The slow opening of the first movement feels kind of clunky to me, in particular its transition to the allegro. Rather than building up and leading in to the allegro, the introduction resolves and then there is a short pause before picking up again. It is moments like this that make me feel like the the piece is a little uninspired sounding. The slow movement is probably my favorite although I do like the minor theme from the minuet. The final movement has some interesting use of pedal tones, but otherwise is a little dull as well.

    Be back later to keep catching up.

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